Comparing texts by context and their similarity will fail if we use only simple calculations of counting the maximum number of common words between documents. Cosine similarity is a metric used to determine how similar the documents are, irrespective of their size.
When document size increases, the number of common words tends to increase even if the documents refer to different topics. The cosine similarity helps to overcome this fundamental flaw in the “count the common words” or Euclidean distance approach.
An important part of NLP, or any language AI model, is pre-processing data, words, and sentences into vectors, or a process called token embedding. Once vector outputs are well structured, the transformer, which is usually a matrix of high number dimensions, can be 40,000 dimensions, is used to calculate the next move and step forward in neural networks, in a very simplistic way to describe it.
Having the right input in vectorized operations is key; you cannot have a great model without understanding what to do with the data, and magic is often in the way you vectorize input, not how to manipulate the transformer. Transformers, calculated based on vector covariance, are symmetrical because the distance from point A to point B in Euclid space is the same as the distance from B to A. This, however, may not be the same for Minkowski’s space of special theory of relativity, where an object moving with speed is a factor of length contraction.
One can deduce that NLP fails very fast on time series data, where we need inputs and transformers to accommodate time and sequence of events, SIGINT, somehow. Transformers matrices can be independently studied as their own manifold, with laws of movement, imaging almost language flow as a river with waves, as a very simplistic explanation.
The formula is:
It is important to note that A and B are vectors; therefore, A . B is a scalar product, often called dot product, while ||A|| = norm of the vector, in Euclid space, is simply Pythagoras theorem.
Important is to define now distance, called Cosine Distance, meaning between two unit-length vectors A and B:

Nonetheless, the cosine distance is often defined without the square root or factor 2:
This is an important relationship, as we have vectors, then measure their relationship and also their distance. So, think of this as mapping for every two vectors. We can assign two new parameters, such as how they are related and how far they are from each other.
The range of values for cosine similarity can be any real number from [-1,1], and edge cases are: 1 – vectors point in the same direction (perfectly similar), 0 – vectors are orthogonal (perpendicular, no similarity), and -1 – vectors point in the opposite direction.
Simple usage is that a document can be represented as a vector or broken into vectors, and the value represents the frequency of that word in the document.
By calculating cosine similarity between two documents, now two vectors, you can determine how similar two documents are based on their shared vocabulary.
An important question would be where is the center for the cosine similarity of two vectors, meaning the equilibrium state based on two vectors. This leads to the Pearson correlation coefficient, which reflects covariance and standard deviation.
Stein paradox also plays a significant role in quantifying vector parameters, such as mean value. Gaus demonstrated that the sample mean maximizes the likelihood of observing the data, making it an unbiased estimator – meaning it doesn’t systematically overestimate or underestimate the true mean.
Researchers like R.A. Fisher and Jerzey Neyman introduced risk functions while expanding on the idea mean through minimization of the expected square errors compared to the other liner unbiased estimators.
When we have more than three parameters simultaneously, the sample mean becomes inadmissible. In such vector fields, biased estimators can outperform the sample mean by offering lower overall risk.
A great explanation of the general formula for the James- Stein estimator can be found here.
X is the sample mean vector, μ is the gran mean, and c is a shrinkage factor that lies between 0 and 1refelecting how much we pull the individual means toward the grand mean.

The goal is to reduce the distance between individual sample means and the grand mean. The James-Stein estimator demonstrates a paradox in estimation: it is possible to improve estimates by incorporating information from seemingly independent variables.